Pantheon of Goddesses: Mórrígan

Welcome to Tursan Tuesdays, where I take you on a journey through the Celtic world…

Today’s post kicks off my new series on Celtic goddesses. Mórrígan, or Morrígu, is my personal favorite so of course I’ll begin with her.

You may recall my last post featuring this powerful deity. I’ve taken the bit of information there and expanded. Enjoy!

Some of the information I’ve gathered came from The Goddess Guide by Priestess Brandi Auset ~ a must read for anyone interested in Goddesses of all flavors!

The Morrígan, Mórrígan, Morrígu, Morrígna, Morríghan or Mórríoghain

The Mórrígan, or Great Queen, is the Irish warrior goddess of prophecy, battle, strife and fertility. Also called the Witch Queen of Death, she is known for being one of the most beautiful and sexual of all Goddesses, as well as being quite deadly. She has no problem using her sexuality to get what she wants, and can be ruthless in her pursuits. She can determine the outcome of wars, as well as predict when warriors will meet their end.

There is some debate over whether Mórrígan is part of a triple deity or the sum of three separate deities (Morrígna). Many believe that she, along with her sisters Macha and Anu make up the Great Goddess, or The Goddess, the Great Mother of all the land. Still others say Mórrígan is a triple goddess made by the aspects Badb, Macha, and Nemain.

Mórrígan is a shapeshifter; she can take the forms of raven, eel, cow, or wolf. The raven, or Carrion Crow, is a harbinger of death. It can frequently be seen flying above a battlefield, circling and casting spells to determine the victor. She will use the other animal forms in whatever way best benefits her agenda.

Mórrígan can also take different human forms. She can appear as a Crone, bringing news of death and destruction, or warnings of such. Less well-known is her form as a young maiden. Here, she will cast praise and love upon her chosen hero. Turns out she has a softer side…

She is the great sorceress of the Celts, her magical powers of prediction and enchantment are beyond compare. Mórrígan rules passionate love and sex, predominately affairs that tend to have negative consequences.

So maybe that side isn’t so soft.

 Mórrígan rules over the following attributes:

Addictions, Arts & Crafts, Authority, Blood, Brewing (Magical), Cemeteries, Courage, Crossroads, Darkness, Death, Deceit, Decisions, Destruction, Diplomacy, Disaster, Divination, Dreams, Enchantments, Endings, Exorcism, Fate, Fear, Fertility, Foresight, Grief & Sadness, Hindsight, Illusions, Initiation, Intuitive Abilities, Jealousy, Judgment, Justice, Love (Healing a Broken Heart), Magick (Dark), Magick (Light), Magick (Lunar), Magickal Arts, Memory, Men, Menopause, Mischief, Moon, Mysteries, Negative Habits (to Overcome), Night, Oaths, Oceans (Rivers & Bodies of Water), Pleasure, Poetry, Power, Prophecy, Protection, Regeneration, Retribution, Revenge, Seduction, Sensuality, Sexuality & Sexual Activities, Shapeshifting, Sorceress, Spirits & Ghosts, Strength, Vengeance, Victory, Violence, War & Battles, Warrior Goddesses, Wisdom, Witchcraft, Women & Femininity

Mórrígan’s colors are Red, Blue, Purple, Black, and Silver ~ All of my favorite colors 🙂

Mórrígan rules over the elements of Fire and Water.

Mórrígan is associated with the following sabbats or festivals: Midsummer & Samhain

See…don’t you just dig her?

So talk to me. What do you think of Mórrígan? If anyone knows of any symbols associated with her, please let me know…I’m researching art for my blank canvas.

If you have a specific Goddess you would like to see featured here ~ even if she isn’t Celtic ~ let me know!

And for Thursday, it’s Author Spotlight: James Hutchings. Don’t miss it!

17 thoughts on “Pantheon of Goddesses: Mórrígan

  1. Is she like Morgan from the Arthur legend? Sounds like her. I love Mists of Avalon and Merlin. Intriguing story and seems to fit her personality. Thanks for sharing her story, Kate! Are you writing about Morrigan in your book?

    1. That is a great question, Jess! The Morrígan and Morgan le Faye are definitely not the same. Both are sorceresses; however, The Morrígan is deity and Morgan le Faye is a Priestess. The Morrígan is from Irish mythology, while Morgan le Faye is from Welsh, which is also where the Arthurian legends originated. Both are strong women, yes, but if you ask me, Morgan’s got nothin’ on The Morrígan 😛 ‘Course, I’m biased lol

      The Morrígan is not in my current wip, though I am developing a series in which she will play a dominate role…I just haven’t quite figured out the deets on that yet. Stay tuned!

  2. I love Mórrígan! She is one cool Goddess, whether she is singular or all three melded into the great goddess, doesn’t matter. I still love her. I’m surprised she’d not associated more with Beltane. That’s one freaky, sexual festival!

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